Gilera Runner hometown hookup

Gilera Runner hometown hook-up skærmbillede
Krav: Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player logo

Scooter ace

scooter ace skærmbillede
Krav: Adobe Shockwave Player
Adobe Shockwave Player logo

Lavet af: Playerthree

Scooter guru

scooter guru skærmbillede
Krav: Adobe Shockwave Player
Adobe Shockwave Player logo

Lavet af: Mama Gama

Scooter war3z

scooter war3z skærmbillede
Krav: Grafikkort som Geforce2, Radeon7500 eller bedre

Lavet af: Team6 game studio
Fun fact #1: Scooter warez was developed because we had nuisance from scooters doing wheelies and donuts in front of our office..

Fun fact #2: Despite the demo having more downloads than AAAgames such as Call of Duty in the same time frame and Team6 was overwhelmed with positive community response, most publishers did not understand Scooters nor the community. One publisher in particular even asked us to "change the scooters to give them four wheels so it looks like a car." :P