New muffler and derestriction

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Tilmeldt: 1. august 2016 20:51

New muffler and derestriction

Ulæst indlæg af Biscotto »

Hi everyone!

I bought a new scooter, is a Peugeot Speedfight 3 with 10.000km and I paid a fair price for it.
However, it came with a faulty muffler, which is all rusty, and I would like to change it.

The scooter does 45km/h as the law prescribes, now I have two questions that I hope you might answer.

1) Is it legal to buy a new muffler (i.e. Polini, Giannelli, and so on) and put it on? Are there any law troubles connected with the higher noise the scooter will generate?
2) I know that the law says that we are supposed to go "slow", however in my daily commute I don't always feel safe because cars overtake me at super high speed, and thus I was thinking of unlocking the variator and letting the scooter go at full speed. Does the Police actually check?

Thank you guys for your kind help :)
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Tilmeldt: 11. april 2010 11:30

Re: New muffler and derestriction

Ulæst indlæg af scootergrisen »

I'm guessing only the original exhaust is legal. But i'm not sure.

It's properly not legal to make the engine make more noise then what it was approved for, or less noise for that matter.
In denmark for scooters/knallerter we have something called "konstruktive ændringer" which basically mean you are not allowed to change stuff to make the scooter go faster and stuff like that.

Some time ago the law was changes so now i don't think the police check for ilegal parts anymore, they just messaure the speed and if its to fast you get a fine and the second time they catch you and it can go over a certain speed they steal you scooter.
And it doesn't matter how fast you drive, but how fast it can drive.

You can read about it (in danish) on ... .php#boder
Some people try to make the scooter go like 40-43 km/t so they are just under the speed where the police will streal the scooter, so they only get a fine.
You can adjust the top speed by using a more narrow bush in the variator.