How to choose the right scooter

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Tilmeldt: 1. august 2016 20:51

How to choose the right scooter

Ulæst indlæg af Biscotto »

Dear members of the forum,

welcome to me!

In my country (Italy) I own and ride a Yamaha xj6. It's a beast, and I miss it dearly!
However importing it to Denmark would mean paying too much money, so at the moment I might opt to get a scooter instead which I could use to commute to/from work, gym and to go to shop.

I have two questions to begin with, and I hope this is the right place to find some answers:

1) why would someone choose a 30km/h moped over a 45km/h? Isn't it just more convenient (and safe) to move around in the street rather than on the bike lane? Besides the purchasing cost, one is expected to pay just the yearly 800kr ca. ensurance and nothing else?
2) can i rather get a 125cc and expect to pay the same 800kr per year as ensurance and that's it? Or the ensurance costs will be greater and other taxes will sum up?

I am just looking for a cheap and fun way to get to work everyday.

Thanks everybody for your time :)
15. Rang
15. Rang
Indlæg: 11398
Tilmeldt: 11. april 2010 11:30

Re: How to choose the right scooter

Ulæst indlæg af scootergrisen »

Biscotto skrev: 1) why would someone choose a 30km/h moped over a 45km/h? Isn't it just more convenient (and safe) to move around in the street rather than on the bike lane? Besides the purchasing cost, one is expected to pay just the yearly 800kr ca. ensurance and nothing else?
Depending on your age you might be able to ride a 30 km/h moped (called "lille knallert") without having a drivers license.
Some older 30 km/t model don't require a number plate so it easier when buying a old used model.
45 km/t always require drivers license and number plate.

Cycle path is more safe as car drivers will pass you closely all the time if you drive the same place as they do. But depends on where you live. Some areas have good cycle paths, some not. You can try riding a bicycle the places you want to go a lot (home, work, shop, gym) and see if there are good cycle paths if any.
If there are no cycle paths 30 and 45 ride the same place.

You need:
+ helmet
+ ensurance (called "ansvarsforsikring" cirka 800 kroner.)
+ number plate (590 kroner. Older 30 km/t model don't need)
+ drivers license (maybe you can use the one you have from italy? if riding 30 km/t model and you are old enough you might not need a drivers license, depends on your age)

The cost of drivers license for 30 km/t and 45 km/t are quite different.
I think it cost like 10000 kroner to get drivers license to ride 45 km/t, but im not sure. Compare that to 0 kroner if you are old enough to ride a 30 km/t without a drivers license.
Biscotto skrev: 2) can i rather get a 125cc and expect to pay the same 800kr per year as ensurance and that's it? Or the ensurance costs will be greater and other taxes will sum up?
I don't know about motorcycle (we call them motorcycle when they go faster then 45 km/t and have more then 50 ccm).
If you already have a drivers license that allows you do ride 125 cc maybe you should get that, if 30 and 45 is to slow and you dont like cycle paths.
1. Rang
1. Rang
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Tilmeldt: 1. august 2016 20:51

Re: How to choose the right scooter

Ulæst indlæg af Biscotto »


Thanks for the answer!
I am legally allowed to drive any 2-wheels in Europe, so that won't be a problem.

I'm more comfortable in driving in the road, as the bike lane follows rules with which I can't say I'm acquainted enough. Moreoved, 45km/h sounds better to me :)

I was thinking about getting a cheap VGA from thansen. 4 strokes, it should get the job done, right?

I understand that for those money one can't expect japan-reliability, but still should I imagine it will break for no reason anytime soon? How's the service at I will get it with a 3-years warranty and will do the regular mainentance, hoping that it will last as much as possible.
Or it would be better to do a greater investment and get a Kymco agility instead?
15. Rang
15. Rang
Indlæg: 11398
Tilmeldt: 11. april 2010 11:30

Re: How to choose the right scooter

Ulæst indlæg af scootergrisen »

Cheap chinese scooters from T. Hansen like VGA er genereally the worst you can get.
But they are cheap so if you like that it might be fine for you.
But they also start selling SYM which i think is a much better quality and there for costs more.
If you are used to Yamaha, you will properly be disapointed of the cheap chinese scooter quality. Go into a T. Hansen shop and have a look at them.
The good thing about is that they have a lot of spare parts and pictures on they website which not so maybe danish websites have.

You can also get a motorcycle (more then 50 ccm) now that you have the driver license and some of them are really cheap, like same price as 50 ccm model: ... 306258508/

So if you are used to driving faster then 45 km/t maybe you like that better.
I haven't ridden motorcycle but i don't know if i would like riding the cheapest motorcycle out there at 100 km/t and riscing my life if things break.

You could think about how much money you would maximum like to spend on the bike so that way you can rule out some bikes and see whats left.
Scooteres have variator (no gearshifting) so maybe you like to use clutch and change gear.
You want small og big wheels?
You want 2 stroke og 4 stroke?
Check out what shops are in your area: ... anmark.php
When you need to go to service its nicer that the shop is not so far away.
1. Rang
1. Rang
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Tilmeldt: 29. juli 2013 22:05
Køretøjer: PGO T-Rex '02

Re: How to choose the right scooter

Ulæst indlæg af Pendleren »


I'd thought i'd give some advice from a motorcyclist.

If you ar licenced to drive a motorcycle, you'd bored driving only 30 or 45km/t

I have got a GS500 for sommer driving,
insurance 1500kr for 8 months (not 1.november to 31 march)
Tax is 580kr pr year
So it costs a little more than a scooter

But as a old biker once said to me
" i'd rather drive a 30 year old jap than a 3 year old china bike"

Ar you going to drive only in a big city or driving in the countryside to??