Getting started with the forum

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15. Rang
15. Rang
Indlæg: 11381
Tilmeldt: 11. april 2010 11:30

Getting started with the forum

Ulæst indlæg af scootergrisen »

Dansk version

Hello and welcome to scootergrisen's forum where you can write with other people about scooters and mopeds and everything else. ;)


To write in the forum you need to be registered. :o
The reason for registration is to avoid spam. :P

You can register yourself here.


After registration a email will be sent with an address you need to visit to active your user.
When your user is activated you can login with the username and password you chosen.

You can't login before you activate your user with the link in the email.

If you have problems with the process you can contact me.

Forgot password:

If you forget your password you can use the I forgot my password link which can be found on the Login page.

Learn to use the forum:

Visit Create a new topic to see how you can write a topic for other people to read and reply to.

And Upload af vedhæftede filer (Uploading attachment files) to see how to attach images and other files.

The best way to learn about the forum is by using it.

If you have any question, comments or problems you can write in the forum or contact me.

If for example you have any problems with your scooter can you ask your question in Talk about anything in english.


The forum have some rules that you can read.

Deleting account:

The board (phpBB3) does by default not give the users an option to delete their account.
You can instead write in Slet min brugerkonto (Delete my user account) or contact me and tell you want your account deleted.
Also write if you want the posts that the have been created by the user keept or deleted.
